This month flew by, and not only because I had to walk very slowly following my shockwave treatment on my achilles tendon. I still owe you all the “Get out of the house!”-post detailing my adventures walking with a cane, but first let’s get the monthly round up out of the way.
On my Goodreads you can see that I am participating in the reading challenge once again. I have again decided to read at least 12 books, as this is a manageable amount of books to read in between all the other stuff I do.
Read – Online
For the people that missed the “David Bowie is…” exhibit, there’s an app.
Gymnast Katelyn Ohashi went viral.
Maybe the 10 years later meme on Facebook wasn’t such a good idea after all.
Ballet danser Sergei Polunin entire existence has been a huge mess for quite some time, which has been excused and sometimes even encouraged by many in the (ballet) world because he’s just being a “tormented artist”. The Paris Opera Ballet however is having none of it. I am very curious to see if these consequences will lead to change, but I’m afraid that he will continue to socially, physically and mentally destroy himself completely while his adoring fans keep applauding him. What a waster.
The Not-So-Subtle Racism Behind the Marie Kondo Criticism.
I have written before about the Deciem drama, which has now come to a definitive end now that founder Brandon Truaxe died.
The Unbearable Heaviness of Clutter: A cluttered home can be a stressful home, researchers are learning. As a person who’s struggled (and sometimes still struggles) with hoarding tendencies, I say: chicken, egg. I do think it’s interesting that women suffer more from having a cluttered home than men. I’m going to assume that is because women are judged more harshly on the state of their home. Or their everything, basically.
An interesting take on the burn out phenomenon that has become so prevalent in YouTubers these days.
The Gillette Effect: What a Single Ad Reveals About American Men.
For the people who ask me why I, as an (old school) Queen fan have no intention of going to see the “Bohemian Rhapsody” movie: because director Bryan Singer sexually abuses young boys and has being doing so often and for a very long time, something that has been known by pretty much everyone in Hollywood and everyone that follows the Hollywood life. Note: despite the fact that he got fired from the movie (for unrelated reasons), he will make 40 million dollars from this movie…
The American Hotel in Amsterdam will be turned into a Hard Rock Hotel. Has the themeparkification of Amsterdam reached it’s zenith?
Listened to – Music
The Black Parade. Despite knowing this album from a to z to hidden track (especially the hidden track), it all of a sudden made me cry this time.
Marshmello ft. Bastille – Happier Cover (Grace Kelly & Cale Hawkins)
Listened to – Podcasts
I didn’t listen to any English language podcasts this month for some reason.
Watched – Films and Documentaries
Surviving R. Kelly. Even as a music loving teenager living in a not so big town in the east of The Netherlands (yes, this was the 90’s, no, we didn’t have internet yet) I knew through people in the know that he was a mega creep who preyed on young teenage girls. So it’s safe to say that even back then, everybody knew. Nobody did anything about it though, because “musical genius”, whatever the fuck that means. Now everybody is shocked and up in arms, but will anything change? Will this finally be the end of R. Kelly abusing women, more specifically black teenage girls? Or will things just continue as they always have over the last 25+ years? Calvin Michaels has a lot of interesting points about this documentary series.
From a practical point of view, a documentary about Margaret Staal-Kropholler, the first female Dutch architect.
The Mother of Beauty, about a Hollywood modeling agency in the 1940 – 1960, whose owner discovered/created Marilyn Monroe.
Watched – TV and Youtube
Shmoxd (“shmood”) DIYs stuff and makes awesome videos of that.
Making a Medicine Chest with lots of drawers.
2019 Bullet Journal Setup + January Plan with Me! I don’t even have a bullet journal, I just watch these videos to relax.
Since it’s apparently The Month of the Disgusting Rapist Creep: Harvey Weinstein and the Oscars: How Gwyneth and Shakespeare in Love Won.
Miscellaneous awesomeness
Risograph machines and where to find them.
You wanna wear Amsterdam around your neck? You can.
And of course THE best track to have come out of House of Talent: