Welcome to Featured Mag!
My name is LP and this is my blog. “Mag” is short for “magazine”, I figured that after years of making zines, it was now time for a mag. Every Wednesday you’ll find a blogpost in one of 5 categories: the editor’s letter, an opinion, an interview where I feature somebody who wants to be interviewed, a review of something I saw or did in “Get out of the house!” and a round up of all the things I watched and listened to that month. Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts, opinions and feelings with me. Sharing, as we all know, is caring.
If you want to be featured in a short interview (5 – 7 questions) with b/w pictures of you and/or your work (selfies are fine!), you can contact me through info at featuredmag dot nl or by DMing me on my Instagram.
Please note: I firmly believe that everybody’s got an interesting story to tell, so my only “criterium” for participation is wanting to be interviewed. So if your first instinct is “I’d like to, but I’m not famous/special/interesting enough”, please ignore that instinct and hit me up. I’m specifically looking at you, ladies!
My interests
Being curious