According to my Goodreads I again finished one book: “Pitching Ideas: Make People Fall In Love With Your Ideas”. Not only is it a very nice looking book, it also explains the principles and the process of pitching in a clear way. While mainly a book about pitching creative ideas in a business setting, the tips and techniques described are also perfectly applicable during job interviews or during those horrible “So, what is it you do?” type conversations at networking events. I highly recommend this book!
Read – Online
I never believed it, until I tried it and it really turned out to work that way: How To Be More Productive by Working Less.
Alexa raps and sings with English band Too Many T’s.
Why has nobody made a documentary about Marlene Danielle who played in Cats for SEVENTEEN YEARS yet?
An article about Alice Glass in which she details the situation that led to her leaving Crystal Castles, and how the #metoo movement gave her strength to finally talk about it openly.
Why it’s sometimes good to not be that social. #toldyouso
For years, a man takes pictures of his wife in a private setting. After their divorce, he uses those pictures for an exhibition – without her consent. About how saying “But it’s art!” doesn’t absolve you from obtaining consent.
Listened to – Music
Listened to – Podcasts
A podcast episode in the The World in Words series about the origin and development of the “pop punk accent”, also known as “The sound Tom DeLonge from Blink 182 produces”.
In the same podcast series, an episode about the oftentimes huge differences in singer’s singing and speaking accents – and when and how this becomes problematic.
Watched – Films and Documentaries
Again, I’m only mentioning the films and documentaries I saw that are in English. If you want to see the links to the ones I saw in Dutch, press the Dutch flag in the overhead bar.
Watched – TV and Youtube
Iranian filmmaker and refugee Majid Adin reinterpreted the video for Elton John’s Rocket Man.
Miscellaneous awesomeness